Frequently Asked Questions

What are your rates?

$180 / 50 minute session.

Where/when do you offer therapy?

We currently offer therapy via HIPAA compliant telehealth.

We also offer sessions at your location for an additional fee depending on travel time to your location. The rate for travel is equivalent to the hourly rate of therapy.

Your location must be conducive to a therapeutic discussion where dialogue can be held in confidence and therapists are safe. Email us for more information.

We know that professional lives are busy - we offer flexible hours to ensure you can find a suitable time to meet.

Do you take insurance?

We are not an in-network provider for any insurance companies. This allows us the greatest flexibility and confidentiality in providing care for you.

However, if you would like to submit an out-of-network claim to your insurance company, we would be happy to provide you with a “superbill” which can be used for reimbursement according to your insurance policies. Please request a superbill directly from your clinician.

How long does therapy take?

Everyone is different and comes with unique challenges. This makes it difficult to predict the amount of time needed in therapy. We are committed to providing the most direct and efficient approach possible so as not to prolong your current struggles, and therefore time in therapy. Some come in for only two to three sessions to get a new perspective and get re-centered. Many people begin to see improvements after three to six sessions and are able to see sustainable impactful changes in ten to twelve sessions. You can see an estimate of the cost of therapy here. Also, a Good-Faith Estimate can be provided to you by your clinician at your request.

What can I expect?

Jumping into therapy and addressing a challenging situation takes courage and vulnerability. At the Kintsugi Institute you will find counselors who will work with you in an empathetic, caring, and compassionate manner. They will keep your conversations completely confidential. The connection you have with your therapist is one of the most important factors in the outcome of your therapy experience. We offer a free 15-minute consultation to see if we’re a good fit. You can schedule a “chemistry call” here. This can be done via phone or video conference (Zoom or Google Meets).

Once your first appointment is scheduled you will receive an invitation to join the client portal of our electronic health records software. We are governed by HIPAA and use specific software to ensure your privacy, keep track of your information, conduct telehealth, and manage our relationship with you. In this client portal you will be asked to fill out a few necessary forms including providing some more in-depth personal information to help the clinician determine the best course of action to accomplish your goals. Our online scheduler allows you to schedule your appointments at your convenience. if you are unable to find a suitable time, just email us or give us a call and we’ll find a time to connect. Once all the paperwork is completed and your first appointment scheduled you’re ready to dive in.

More often than not your first session will take longer - we want to dive in as quickly as possible to our transformative work together and longer initial session gives us a great jump start. From there we will work with you to determine the frequency of our sessions together.

How is therapy for professionals different?

Professional life has a unique set of demands and challenges. The Kintsugi Institute was founded to honor the challenges of professionals and bring greater mental well-being to individuals whose work life rarely acknowledges the toll it can take. Connecting with practitioners who understand the professional workplace more readily understand the impact your work life has on you individually and on your loved ones. This helps to ensure you are empathetically heard and effective treatments plans are developed.

All of our therapists come from a professional background or have a unique connection to it. We understand the stresses of professional life, and understand the pressure for success professionals often place on themselves. Because we’ve been there we know that we can’t spend all of our time talking about the past or only exploring our feelings. We will also challenge you to make action oriented, forward looking transformative change. And, because the Kintsugi Institute also consults with businesses, you have access to world class professional coaches with longtime business experience. If you want to add another dimension to your therapeutic experience, speak with your clinician about setting up some time with one of our executive coaches.

What’s the difference between Coaching and Counseling/Therapy?

Knowing the right approach to tackling a challenge you might be having is the first and perhaps most important part of resolution. Therefore, deciding to work with a coach or a therapist is an important decision. While there is sometimes some confusion and professional disagreement about benefits and approach, each has their place in helping individuals chart a path to reaching goals.

Therapy and coaching both aim to improve individuals' well-being, but they differ fundamentally in their approaches and goals. Therapy focuses on mental health, emotional challenges, and past traumas, aiming to heal and resolve deep-seated issues. It is often conducted by licensed professionals like psychologists or therapists with specific education and training. Coaching, on the other hand, is more future-oriented and goal-driven, focusing on personal and professional development. Coaches work with clients to identify objectives, develop strategies, and enhance performance or life satisfaction without delving deeply into psychological issues. Coaches often have additional certifications and training, but it isn’t required.

We found this article explores this question in greater detail and with a positive approach.

In our experience, having both coaches and therapists helping you can be a very powerful combination. This is why at the Kintsugi Institute you have access to therapists and coaches. Reach out to us to find out how this combination may work in your situation.